Russian expressions

Useful colloquial expression ‘так себе’

Russian Tip of the Day

What does a person mean when they answer the question 'Как дела?' with 'так себе'? That means that they are not doing very well, because the closest translation of 'так...

Diverse meanings of ‘давай’

Russian Tip of the Day

It is interesting that an imperative form of the verb ‘давать’ in everyday conversations is used mostly not in its literal meaning – to give.  For example, sports fans chant ‘Давай!’...

Easter vocabulary in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

Orthodox Russian Easter and Catholic Easter often fall on different dates due to the use of the Julian calendar by the Russian Orthodox Church, while the Catholic and Protestant churches...

Russian interjections “Ай!”, “Ой!” and “Эй!” (do not confuse them!)

Russian Tip of the Day

Although "Ай!", "Ой!", and "Эй!" may seem similar at first glance, they have distinct meanings and usage in Russian language. "Ай!" is an exclamation used to express sudden pain or...

How to wish a good night in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

The most traditional way to wish a good night in Russian is to say ‘Спокойной ночи’, which literally means ‘Have a calm night’. Another option is to say ‘Доброй ночи’....

Useful colloquial expression ‘мало ли’

Russian Tip of the Day

The meaning of the expressions 'мало ли' and 'мало ли что' is not immediately obvious. In fact, they can be translated into English as 'you never know'. Typically, they are...

How to praise good food in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

The first thing that comes to mind when we want to compliment the chef is 'Спасибо, было очень вкусно!' This phrase can be translated into English as 'Thank you, everything...

Useful expression ‘всё равно’

Russian Tip of the Day

‘Всё равно’ carries a sense of indifference or nonchalance. It is often used to convey a disregard for a particular outcome or situation. Literally translating to ‘everything is equal’, it...

How to say in Russian ‘If I were you…’

Russian Tip of the Day

Please do not translate the expression "If I were you..." into Russian literally and do not say "Если бы я был тобой, я бы...". It sounds unnatural and strange. Instead,...

Difference between ‘Я хочу’ and ‘Я хотел бы’

Russian Tip of the Day

The phrases "Я хочу" and "Я хотел бы" both relate to expressing desires in the Russian language, but they differ in terms of their level of politeness and time reference....

What ‘только что’ means in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

"Только что" is a Russian phrase that translates to "just now" or "a moment ago" in English. It is used to indicate a very recent past event or action. Some...

Useful Russian expression ‘по крайней мере’ (=at least)

Russian Tip of the Day

Translating the short yet incredibly useful English idiom 'at least' into Russian might not be as straightforward as it seems. In Russian, we use the phrase 'по крайней мере', which...

Figurative meanings of the verbs ‘ставить - поставить’

Russian Tip of the Day

The Russian verbs 'ставить' and 'поставить' carry not only literal meanings related to placing objects in specific positions, but also convey a range of figurative meanings that add depth to...

Useful expression ‘На всякий случай’

Russian Tip of the Day

The Russian expression "на всякий случай" translates to "just in case" in English (though the literal translation would be “for whatever case”). It is widely used in both everyday conversations...

Mistakes, Freud and the Russian language

Russian Tip of the Day

Mistakes are a part of our lives. We make some of them unintentionally when we speak and write, often due to haste or tiredness. What are such mistakes called in...

How to Say in Russian ‘Inside Out’

Russian Tip of the Day

In Russian, to say "inside out," you would use the adverb "наизнанку". It is mainly used with the verb "надеть" (=put on) , as well as with items of clothing....

Useful Colloquial Expression: ‘Как раз’

Russian Tip of the Day

The expression 'как раз' is impossible to understand translating each word separately. The closest translation into English would be 'just,' 'precisely' or 'exactly,' but you need to remember that this...

How to Express Sympathy in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

Imagine your Russian-speaking friend telling you that they failed an exam or, for instance, are going through a tough time. What should your reaction be? Here are some Russian expressions...

Useful Colloquial Expression: 'Не по себе'

Russian Tip of the Day

The feeling of anxiety, which can be challenging to express in words, is aptly captured by the Russian expression "Не по себе." We use it to convey a sense of...

How to Wish for Recovery in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

Do you know how to properly respond if someone tells you they have a cold or flu? Here are some useful expressions how to wish for recovery in Russian: Выздоравливай...