Russian prepositions

Russian Days of the Week with the Preposition по

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that days of the week are used with the preposition по+Dative case in the meaning of regularity? For example, По понедельникам, по вторникам, по средам, по четвергам, по пятницам,...

Russian Prepositions в and на, из and c

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that if a noun is used with the preposition в in the Accusative or Prepositions case, it will be used with the preposition из in the Genitive...

Meanings of the Russian Preposition через

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian preposition через has both spatial and temporal meanings? Its main spatial meaning is "through" or "across", the temporal one is "in, within". For example, Мы прошли...

The Difference Between от and из (с)

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that we use the preposition от when the meaning is "from whom (person or place where this person is)" and the prepositions из and с when the meaning...

Preposition через Used in the Future and in the Past

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the preposition через can be used in the future and in the past. When it is used in the future tense, it means "in", and in the...

The Prepositions спустя and через

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the prepositions через and спустя are synonyms when used  in the past tense? They can also be followed by the additional preposition после and the Genitive case. They...

Accusative Case with the Preposition о (обо)

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the preposition о is also used with the Accusative case? The most common verbs used with this preposition and the Accusative case are: ударяться-удариться головой об стол...

How to Say "near" in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that we have 3 Russian prepositions than mean "near something" and "by" - рядом с + Instrumental case, около + Genitive case and у + Genitive case....

Russian pronouns with a preposition "обо"

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that with Russian pronouns in Prepositional case that start with мн- and вс- we use the preposition обо, not о? For example, Вы говорите обо мне? Are you talking...

До того как, в то время как, and после того как, vs до, во время, and после.

Russian Tip of the Day

Do you know how to use Russian conjunctions до того как, в то время как, and после того как? They mean “before something happened”, “in the meantime (as something is...

Difference between the prepositions за, от, с

Question from Q&A

What is the difference between за and от and с...

Russian preposition за

Russian Tip of the Day

Do you know that the Russian preposition за has several meanings? it expresses an aim after verbs of movement: Я иду за хлебом. I am on my way to buy...

When a preposition ‘в’ turns into ‘во’

Russian Tip of the Day

Why do we say ‘в понедельник’, ‘в среду’, ‘в четверг’ and then ‘во вторник’? Why is it ‘во Франции’ and ‘во время’? This is the case when there is an...

The verbs ‘отвечать – ответить’ and prepositions

Russian Tip of the Day

The verbs ‘отвечать’ and ‘ответить’ are among the first to be learned by every student. Nevertheless it’s good to remember that their meaning may differ depending on the following preposition.  Отвечать...

Difference between ‘на автобусе’ and ‘в автобусе’

Russian Tip of the Day

Depending on the context, we can use either the preposition 'В' or the preposition 'НА' with any means of transport. Once you learn the exact meaning of each, you stop...