Russian verbs

The Future tense of хотеть

Question from Q&A

My “Barron’s 501 Russian Verbs” states that the verb хотеь is not used in the future tense of the imperfective aspect. When I feed Google Translate “ They will...

Russian Mixed Conjugation

Question from Q&A

Hi. I recently discovered a russian verb that followed both 1st ie -ю/-ешь etc decl type and the 2nd ie -у/ишь etc type. Possibly the word had two different meaning....

Secondary imperfective

Question from Q&A

Hi, today, while working on my thesis (on occasionalisms in the poetry of Marina Cvetaeva), I stumbled upon something strange. My theoretical grammar tells me that a secondary imperfective might...

Russian Grammar Test: Imperfective and Perfective Verb Aspects

Blog post

We created this test for those who want to check if they are real experts in the Russian verb aspects. This quiz is for beginners and the second one, which...

Imperfective and Perfective Verb Aspects: Intermediate Level

Blog post

Dear Russian learners! Today we are presenting the second part of the test on Russian verb aspects for intermediate level students. Good luck! [mtouchquiz 12] ...

Verbs of Motion: Beginner Level

Blog post

Dear Russian learners! As you probably already know, the verbs of motion is one of the most important and, at the same time, most difficult Russian grammar topics. Let's revise...

Verbs of Motion with Prefixes: Intermediate Level

Blog post

Dear visitors! If you have succesfully passed our first test on the verbs of motion, here is the second one for those who has already learned the prefixes and wants...

Russian Prefixed Verbs: Advanced

Blog post

Dear Russian learners! Today we have created a new test to test your knowledge of Russian prefixed verbs, one of the most difficult, but also most fascinating topics of the...

Russian Perfective Aspect

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the verb suffix ну normally meand that the verb belongs to the perfective aspect? Поворачивать-повернуть: To turn. Обманывать-обмануть: To cheat. Засыпать-заснуть: to fall asleep....

How to Express Prohibition and Impossibility

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that if you use the word "нельзя" ("it is not allowed") with a verb in perfective mood, it means physical impossibility to do something, but, if you...

Russian Verb Prefixes

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that a prefix can change completely the meaning of a verb? Some verbs have many prefixes. Let us take the verb "думать": Придумывать-придумать: Invent, make up. Задумывать-задумать: Plan. Передумывать-передумать: Change...

Зовут and называется

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that we use the verb зовут for people, animals and animated objects (such as a doll or a teddy bear) and называется (называются) for objects and phenomena? For...

Russian Position Verbs

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that two Russian position verbs are exceptions? One of the verbs in the imperfective-perfective pair is reflexive, the the other one, not. So, their conjugation is quite...

The Verb Suffixes ова, ева, ва

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the verbs with suffixes ова, ева and ва have a different conjugation? Verbs with these suffixes are usually formed from a noun stem and from foreign roots: импортировать,...

Russian verb "to swim"

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian verb of motion плыть-плавать (to swim) has 2 meanings? The first one is "to swim", but the second one is "to go by boat...

Russian Reflexive Verbs with the Instrumental Case

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that there are many reflexive verbs that are used with the Instrumental case (not all of them)? Three important verbs, used with the Instrumental case, are интересоваться...

Russian Verbs мечтать and сниться

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that in Russian we have two different verbs to say "to dream"? Мечтать means "to dream when you do not sleep" and сниться means "to dream about something...

Russian Verbs without 1st Person Singular

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that some Russian verbs do not have the form of the 1st person singular (я, "I do" or "I am doing something") because they just do not...

Russian Instrumental Case with the Verb становиться-стать

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian verb становиться-стать (to become) is always used with the Instrumental case? Both verbs in this pair are exceptions in the Present and Future tenses. Становиться Я...

Russian Verbs Used with the Genitive Case

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Genitive case is used with the Russian verbs просить, хотеть, требовать, искать, ждать, ожидать, достигать, желать, бояться with nouns designating abstract and indefinite objects? When...