Russian vocabulary

The verbs ‘отвечать – ответить’ and prepositions

Russian Tip of the Day

The verbs ‘отвечать’ and ‘ответить’ are among the first to be learned by every student. Nevertheless it’s good to remember that their meaning may differ depending on the following preposition.  Отвечать...

Difference between ‘наконец’ and ‘в конце концов’

Russian Tip of the Day

It’s a common mistake, even at high levels of language proficiency, to believe that ‘наконец’ and ‘в конце концов’ are synonymous and interchangeable. Let’s figure it out. We use ‘наконец’ or...

Difference between ‘другой’ and ‘разный’

Russian Tip of the Day

It is easy to confuse ‘другой’ and ‘разный’, because both of them can be translated into English as ‘different’. Nevertheless, native speakers would never mix these adjectives up, because they...

Easter vocabulary in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

Orthodox Russian Easter and Catholic Easter often fall on different dates due to the use of the Julian calendar by the Russian Orthodox Church, while the Catholic and Protestant churches...

How to say ‘1.5’ in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

In Russian language there are special words for the number 1.5 – ‘полтора’ and ‘полторы’. We use the word ‘полтора’ with masculine and neutral words and the word ‘полторы’ with...

How to name the 5 fingers in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

Fingers in Russian language are referred to using specific names that have unique meanings. Here are the names, starting from the thumb and moving towards the little finger: Большой палец. This...

Names of punctuation marks in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

In any language punctuation marks and the rules for their use play an important role. Here's the correct naming of the most common punctuation marks in Russian: Точка = Dot...

How to express condolences in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

When offering condolences, it's essential to use appropriate language and phrases. Here are some commonly used expressions in Russian: Соболезную A verb "соболезновать" (to condole) has the same root as the...

‘Свидание’ and ‘до свидания’

Russian Tip of the Day

What do romantic dates and goodbyes have in common linguistically? You might have been surprised when you learned that 'a romantic date' in Russian is 'свидание.' Is it the same...

Basic Computer Commands and Keyboard Buttons in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

Here is a list of the most common commands in both English and Russian: Copy = Копировать Cut = Вырезать Paste = Вставить Save = Сохранить Undo = Отменить Redo...

How to Read Reductions in Russian (Part 1)

Russian Tip of the Day

Undoubtedly, you have encountered reductions such as "т.е.", "и т.д.", "до н.э." in Russian texts. Let's delve into how to read these commonly used reductions and understand their meanings. Spoiler...

How to Read Reductions in Russian (Part 2)

Russian Tip of the Day

Let's explore reductions in Russian which we use when writing about time.  г. = год (case depends on context) гг. = годы (case depends on context) Московский университет был основан в 1755...

The Russian Verb "бывать" and Its Usage

Russian Tip of the Day

It is important not to confuse two Russian verbs: "быть" and "бывать." The primary difference lies in their meanings and applications. While "быть" is the equivalent of the English verb...

Wine Vocabulary in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

Wine is not just a drink, it is a whole philosophy. To talk about wine, you need to have a special linguistic training. Here's a brief guide to some key...

Russian interjection "увы"

Russian Tip of the Day

The Russian interjection "увы" is an expression that conveys a sense of regret, disappointment, or resignation. While it doesn't have a direct equivalent in English, it is often translated as...

How to Express Sympathy in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

Imagine your Russian-speaking friend telling you that they failed an exam or, for instance, are going through a tough time. What should your reaction be? Here are some Russian expressions...

Christmas Vocabulary in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

Christmas in Russia is celebrated on the 7th of January. Due to historical reasons, many old Christmas traditions in Russia have transitioned to New Year's Eve. In the following posts,...

New Year's Vocabulary in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

The New Year celebration in Russia marks the arrival of the new year on January 1st. While Christmas is celebrated on the 7th of January, many traditional customs have seamlessly...

Difference between Verbs 'Уметь' and 'Знать'

Russian Tip of the Day

The verbs 'уметь' and 'знать' serve distinct purposes but often cause confusion for learners. While both verbs involve some form of knowledge or ability, their nuances set them apart. 'Уметь' primarily...

‘Симпатизировать’ и ‘To Sympathize’: False Friends in Translation

Russian Tip of the Day

When you encounter the verb ‘симпатизировать’ for the first time, you might be tempted to translate it as ‘to sympathize’. Be careful! These two words might sound similar, but they...