Five Russian expressions with animals

April 30, 2021 | Tags: Russian expressions Russian idioms

Did you know that животное means ‘animal’ in Russian? There are a lot of Russian idioms that mention animals.

For example,

Не делай из мухи слона! (Don’t make an elephant out of a fly) Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.

Когда рак на горе свистнет! (When a shellfish whistles on a mountain) When pigs fly.

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Вертеться как белка в колесе. (To roll like a squirrel in a wheel) To be busy as a bee.

Белая ворона. (White crow) Black sheep.

Жить как кошка с собакой. (To live like a cat with a dog) To live a cat and dog life.

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