Mobile phone vocabulary in Russian

January 19, 2023 | Tags: Russian nouns Russian vocabulary

The words below are part of our everyday life. It is interesting that while some words are clearly borrowed from English, others are completely different from the English version and need to be memorized.

Mobile phone = мобильный (телефон) / мобильник (colloq.)
Smartphone = смартфон

Password = пароль
Keyboard = клавиатура

Emoji = эмодзи
Memes = мемы
GIFs = гифки (colloq.)

Message = сообщение
Voice message = голосовое (сообщение) / голосовуха (colloq.) / войс (colloq.)
Notification = уведомление
Application / App = приложение

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Sound = звук
Silent mode = беззвучный режим
Vibrate mode = режим вибрации
Flight mode = режим полёта

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