Russian courses

General Russian Course

Private and group lessons with professional native teachers

Your first lesson is free!

Course introduction

This general Russian course is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to gain or enhance their general knowledge of the Russian language, practising all the basic skills simultaneously.

It naturally combines grammar, vocabulary, communication and cultural content.

Course details

A1 Level (100 hours)

1.1 Grammar content

Alphabet and writing. Gender and number of nouns and adjectives. Verb conjugations in the Present Tense. Some exceptions (жить, писать, смотреть, etc.). Personal and possessive pronouns in Nominative. Adjectives in Nominative. Inanimate nouns, adjectives and possessive pronouns in Accusative (singular and plural). The Prepositional case of nouns, adjectives, personal and possessive pronouns (singular). Conjugation of reflexive verbs. Numbers. Question formation. Past tense.

1.2 Vocabulary content

Family. Personal information (name, profession, workplace, nationality, language, hobby, address, phone number). Countries and nationalities. Seasons, months, days of the week. Weather. Professions.

1.3 Communication content

  • How can I provide personal information about me and other people;
  • How can I describe some events in the past;
  • How can I give and receive a phone number and an address;
  • How can I describe my family;
  • How can I describe the weather;
  • How can I talk about my hobbies.

1.4 Cultural content

  • Russian names, surnames and patronymics;
  • Russian addresses.

A2 Level (100 hours)

2.1 Grammar content

Accusative case of animate nouns, adjectives, personal and possessive pronouns (singular and plural). Genitive case of nouns, adjectives, personal and possessive pronouns (singular and plural). Dative case of nouns, adjectives, personal and possessive pronouns (singular and plural). Instrumental case of nouns, adjectives, personal and possessive pronouns (singular and plural). Prepositions with cases (с, без, за, перед, вокруг, у, к, около, etc.). Fundamentals of the Perfective and Imperfective verb forms. Future Tense. Verbs of position, prepositions and adverbs of position. Time and date. Grades of comparison of adjectives.

2.2 Vocabulary content

House (description, things at home, gadgets, position). Food (food names, restaurant, supermarket). Clothes (types of clothes, buying clothes, describing clothes). Regular actions. Time and date. Health and illness. Physical description. Character.

2.3 Communication content

  • How can I describe my flat;
  • How can I order food in a restaurant;
  • How can I buy food in a supermarket;
  • How can I describe my daily routine;
  • How can I buy food;
  • How can I speak about date and time;
  • How can I describe my health;
  • How can I describe a person.

2.4 Cultural content

  • Russian food, Russian traditional dishes;
  • Cafes and restaurants in Moscow;
  • Russian flats.

Levels A1 and A2. Class materials used:

  • Bitekhtina N., Grouchevskaia G.,Sheina I. A Living Russian Grammar. Beginner, Intermediate. CREF, 2007;
  • Штельтер О. В этой маленькой корзинке…Игры на уроках русского языка. Выпуск 1 и 2. – СПб.: Златоуст, 2004;
  • Караванова Н.Б. Говорите правильно! – М.: Русский язык. Курсы, 2004;
  • Разноцветные падежи: - М.: Русский язык. Курсы, 2007;
  • Шкатулка. Пособие по чтению для иностранцев, начинающих изучать русский язык.- М.: Русский язык: Курсы, 2005;
  • Пехливанова К.И. Грамматика русского языка в иллюстрациях. – М.: Рус. яз., 2005;
  • Films and cartoons («Ералаш», «Ну, погоди»);
  • Blog materials:;
  • Other materials from the Internet.

B1 level (150 hours)

3.1 Grammar content

Russian case system with prepositions. Verbs of motion without prefix. Verbs of motion with prefix. Indefinite pronouns (-то, - нибудь, кое-). Demonstrative pronouns (этот, эта, это, эти, тот, та, то, те). Reflexive pronouns (свой, своя, свое, свои). Negative pronouns and negative phrases. Must and need. Perfective and Imperfective verb forms. Indirect question. Subjunctive mode. Imperative.

3.2 Vocabulary content

City (public transport, airport, city description, sites, city names, culture). Describing things (form, colour, material). Tourism and trips (countries and nationalities, trips, hotel). Health and doctors (illnesses, doctors, medicines). Shops and shopping (shops and trade centers, supermarkets, clothes, food, post). Office (things in the office, working in an office). Nature and geography (natural disasters, some geographical categories). Animals and insects.

3.3 Communication content

  • How can I ask the way;
  • How can I buy a metro ticket;
  • How can I buy a plane ticket;
  • How can I speak on the phone;
  • How can I book a room in a hotel;
  • How can I buy tickets to the theatre, cinema and circus;
  • How can I describe objects;
  • How can I describe a trip;
  • How can I speak with a doctor;
  • How can I buy medicines;
  • How can I send a letter or a parcel;
  • How can I write an email to a friend;
  • How can I describe natural phenomena.

3.4 Cultural content

  • Supermarkets, malls, shops and markets in Russia;
  • Public transport system;
  • Nature and animals in Russia.

B2 Level (150 hours)

4.1 Grammar content

Active and passive participles. Gerunds. Passive voice. Short adjectives. Number declination. Possessive adjectives, their types. Collective numbers. Оба and обе. Perfective and Imperfective verb forms: Past tense, infinitive, imperative. Time, intent, cause and consequence, condition, concession and comparison expressions. Много, многие, несколько, некоторые. Fundamentals of punctuation.

4.2 Vocabulary content

Russian education system (school and university, subjects, stationery). Working in Russia (professions, CV, work interview). Doing up a flat (house description, repairs, problems at home). Clothes and footwear (clothes, footwear and accessories). Food (recipes, cooking). Trips (tourist agency, routes, hotel). Person (character and physical description, emotions). Bank. Entertainment (theatre, music, cinema). Flowers and plants. Computers.

4.2 Communication content

  • How can I write a CV;
  • How can I handle a job interview;
  • How can I describe the school and university system in Russia and in my country;
  • How can I describe technical problems at home or in a hotel and ask for help;
  • How can I describe my favorite food and understand and write recipes;
  • How can I open an account;
  • How can I choose a tour in a tourist agency;
  • How can I give a detailed description of a person;
  • How can I describe computer problems and ask for help.

4.3 Cultural content

  • Working in Russia;
  • Education system;
  • Russian food and dishes;
  • Trips and routes in Russia.

Levels B1 and B2. Class materials used:

  • Грушевская, Л.Ю., Битехтина, Н.Б. Живая грамматика русского языка. Часть II. Средний этап. – М..: КРЕФ-Р, 2006;
  • Старовойтова, И.А. Русская лексика в заданиях и кроссвордах. В 6 вып. – СПб: Златоуст, 2007-2009;
  • Богомолов, А.Н., Петанова А.Ю. Приходите!..Приезжайте!..Прилетайте!.. – СПб: Златоуст, 2008;
  • Пехливанова, К.И. Грамматика русского языка в иллюстрациях. – М.: Рус. яз., 2005;
  • Курлова И.В. Приключения иностранцев в России. – М.: Русский язык. Курсы, 2007;
  • Films and cartoons («Ералаш», «Иван Васильевич меняет профессию», «Кавказская пленница», «Приключения капитана Врунгеля», «Остров сокровищ»);
  • Texts and images from the Internet;
  • Blog materials:

C1 Level (100 hours)

5.1 Grammar content

Time, condition, cause, concession expressions (detailed). Negative constructions (нечего, некуда…). Impersonal sentences. Infinitive constructions. Use of зато, а то, на. Use of либо, или...или, etc. Relative subordinates. Particles. Word order. Suffixation. Prefixation. Adjective formation. Verbs with prefixes and its use and how to use them”. Verbs with prepositions.

5.2 Vocabulary content

Broadening of general vocabulary. Phraseology. Slang. Everyday Russian. Russian literature and history elements. Business Russian foundations. Formal letters.

5.3 Communication content

  • How can I describe a person, an object or a situation using some slang words and expressions (everyday Russian words and expressions and phraseology);
  • How can I describe and analyse a specific historical or a literature phenomenon;
  • How can I speak on the phone (advanced level);
  • How can I describe a business situation;
  • How can I write a formal letter.

5.4 Cultural content

  • Russian culture elements;
  • Russian life and traditions.

C2 Level (100 hours)

6.1 Grammar content

Broadening of the general grammar contents. Russian punctuation.

6.2 Vocabulary content

Broadening of general vocabulary. Professional vocabulary (politics, economy, science). Translation elements.

6.3 Communication content

  • How can I describe and compare a political or an economic situation;
  • How can I give my opinion about different events and phenomena;
  • How can I organize a debate and participate in it.

6.4 Cultural content

  • Russian history, culture and literature elements;
  • Russian political and economic system;
  • Life in Russia.

Levels C1 and C2. Class materials used:

  • Грушевская, Л.Ю., Битехтина Н.Б. Живая грамматика русского языка. Часть III. Продвинутый этап. – М.: КРЕФ-Р, 2006;
  • Старовойтова, И.А. Русская лексика в заданиях и кроссвордах. В 6 вып. – СПб: Златоуст, 2007-2009;
  • Ласкарева, Е.Р. Чистая грамматика. – СПб.: Златоуст, 2006;
  • Жукова Н.Н. Десять рассказов. Книга для чтения. – М.: Русский язык: Курсы, 2006;
  • Ландсман, Н. Родимкина А. Россия в зеркале современной прозы. – СПб: Златоуст, 2001;
  • Films («Зеркало», «Звезда пленительного счастья», «Белое солнце пустыни, etc.);
  • Texts and images from the Internet;
  • Blog materials:

Teachers of the course "General Russian Course"

Our online Russian school Russificate is made up of a collective of highly experienced Russian teachers who believe in using cutting edge technology to facilitate language learning. Our teachers strive to provide high quality yet affordable Russian lessons.

  • Alexandra
    Speaks: English, Italian
    Alexandra is a certified Russian language tutor with extensive teaching experience. She has been teaching Russian for more than 17 read CV
  • Irina Z.
    Irina Z.
    Speaks: Italian
    Teaching experience, since 2003 (17 years) Tutoring experience, since 2003 (17 years) Teaching at a children’s arts school, taught choir, ensemble, and read CV
  • Tatiana R.
    Tatiana R.
    Speaks: English, German, Spanish, Swedish
    Tatiana is a certified Russian language teacher with extensive teaching experience. She has been teaching Russian for 7.5 years in read CV
  • Yulia
    Speaks: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
    Yulia has been offering Russian classes via Skype since 2005. In 2005-2013 she worked in the Spanish Embassy in Moscow, giving read CV
  • Anna M.
    Anna M.
    Speaks: English, French, German
    - Since 2011 Anna has been working as tour guide in Saint-Petersburg delivering tours in English, French and Russian read CV
  • Daria
    Speaks: Catalan, English, French, Spanish
    Daria is a qualified teacher of Russian as a foreign language with wide work experience and pedagogical education. She accepts read CV

Testimonials of our students

Not convinced yet? Please have a look at the testimonials recorded by our students:

More testimonials


I have heard many good things about Mikhail Yurievich from my course-mates during my first year at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Viennese University. In the summer semester 2014 I had the opportunity to meet him personally during my exchange at the MSU in the name of Lomonosov in Moscow. For me it was a big surprise, as I did not expect to meet a lecturer in Moscow who has worked earlier in Vienna. Mikhail Yurievich established himself as a literate lecturer, perfectly knowing his subject, possessing modern knowledge and skills in the area of pedagogy, psychology and methods of teaching. He thoroughly approached the choice of the contents of the course, responsibly regarded the choice of tasks set for the students. Lectures were always led in an interactive form. Mikhail Yurievich built connections with the students, taking into consideration their individual and age related qualities. I especially enjoyed that with him we studied not only the literary language but also the speaking language, which is very important in the everyday life in Moscow. Also the discussion topics were very interesting and we had the opportunity to get to know a lot about each other.
The materials used by Mikhail Yurievich were not only interesting and helpful, but also very well developed didactically, due to the fact that he always, for example, tried to put the stress into the spoken word and explain everything in Russian instead of just translating into English.
The atmosphere in the lessons was fantastic, no-one was afraid to speak in Russian, even if they made mistakes. Mikhail Yurievich always found ways to correct mistakes without offending anyone. Studying with Mikhail Yurievich does not only mean language improvement but also a good time pass and a great mood. I definitely recommend lessons with him!!


I have been very impressed with the teaching of Tatiana Martin during our Skype lessons over the past 6 months. The lessons are easy to arrange, with a lot of flexibility with times and dates, and this has meant lessons can easily fit my schedule. More importantly, the lessons have been interesting and useful, with a range of engaging materials and topics and lots of suggestions for follow up individual study. This has really maximised my study time and enabled me to improve my overall fluency in a short period. Tatiana is a really competent teacher with a great understanding of pedagogic issues, which really instils a lot of confidence in the student, but on top of that she is also a really open and friendly person. Highly recommended.

All in all, the lessons were easy to organise and the school very professional. Paying for the lessons in blocs was no trouble with Yulia and the school's administration giving prompt replies to all my emails. It was really straightforward.


My name is Maia, I’m Slovenian and I’m a teacher of Russian and Spanish.

After I finished my studies in philology in Slovenia I enrolled in a two-year course (July/August 2007-July 2008) at the Russian language school in Moscow studied with Alexandra as my teacher.

I was taking an advanced-level group class with her, as well as individual classes. Her lessons were always very useful and interesting, and we discussed every possible topic, chatting about current events and reading magazine and newspaper articles. Alexandra always brought with her to class audio and video recordings, so that we could watch a film or cartoon, and then she prepare additional material based on what we had seen.

Alexandra knew how to include every student in the class even considering that some students required additional motivation. We worked hard during our lessons, but the atmosphere in Alexandra’s classes was always relaxed. She assigns a variety of tasks for homework, which I like, because I had come to Moscow to study and her lessons were always a lot of work.

Alexandra is an excellent specialist of the Russian language and she always explained everything very clearly. Her personality is also well-suited to her work, as she is a pleasant, warm, and patient person.

As both a student and a teacher, I would strongly recommend Alexandra as a teacher for any student.

Prices for the course "General Russian Course"

Private lessons

Lesson duration 1 10 20
30-minute lessons 10 € 95 € 9.5€ per lesson
Save 5€
170 € 8.5€ per lesson
Save 30€
45-minute lessons 14 € 135 € 13.5€ per lesson
Save 5€
250 € 12.5€ per lesson
Save 30€
60-minute lessons 18 € 175 € 17.5€ per lesson
Save 5€
330 € 16.5€ per lesson
Save 30€
90-minute lessons 25 € 245 € 24.5€ per lesson
Save 5€
470 € 23.5€ per lesson
Save 30€

Group lessons

Lesson duration 1 10
45-minute lessons 6 € 55 € 5.5€ per lesson
Save 5€
60-minute lessons 7 € 65 € 6.5€ per lesson
Save 5€
90-minute lessons 10 € 95 € 9.5€ per lesson
Save 5€

Lessons start from 5.5 €!

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