Online Russian lessons


Что? Где? Когда?

Dear Russian language learners! Our new worksheet is about a well-known Russian TV-game Что? Где? Когда? It is not just information about the TV game, but also three videos, an additional fascinating text about the game, 10 questions for teachers that can be used with their Russian language students, and links to the music that


Russian Tea Culture

Dear Russian language students! It is winter, so we would like to present you with our third free worksheet “Russian Tea Culture”! You can simply download the worksheet and do the exercises! Good luck!


Free materials for self-preparation for the TORFL test

Dear friends, as you know, at our school you can not only prepare for the TRKI (TORFL), but also take the exam. Today we offer you something else to help you prepare for the exam, namely free preparation materials for each of the language proficiency levels. You can download the materials here: Level A1: A1_demo


Conditional sentences in the Russian language

Dear Russian language students! We would like to present you with our second free worksheet “Conditional sentences in the Russian language”. You can simply download the worksheet and do the exercises! Good luck! Download worksheet


Learn Russian Grammar with Active Russian Grammar Course and a 10% Discount!

Dear Russian language students! We are pleased to present you with the new Active Russian Grammar learning platform, created by a renowned Russian language teacher, author of the most popular textbook on Russian as a foreign language, “Поехали”. Active Russian is an innovative, friendly and efficient way to master Russian grammar! It has the following


Fleeting vowel in nouns ending with -ец and -ок

Dear Russian language students! We would like to present you with a new section of our blog, free worksheets for students of different Russian language levels. You can simply download the worksheets and do the exercises! Good luck!


Asking questions in Russian

In this article we are going to look at question forming in Russian. This subject is one of the first and most important rules that you learn in your Russian lessons. Usually, Russian language teachers don’t focus on this topic for a long time, so we believe that our article can be useful for Russian


Russian idioms with animals

At some point in your Russian lessons, you will meet idioms with animals. Russian idioms with animals are one of the most numerous groups among all idioms of the Russian language and reflect the centuries-old observations of the appearance and habits of animals that live close by and convey the attitude of Russian people towards


Russian idioms with face parts

If you have already read our previous article about Russian idioms or learned some Russian, you know that Russian idioms can be very confusing. Today we will look at some popular Russian idioms about parts of the face: eyes, nose, and tongue. Some Russian teachers use them as a funny illustration of how the meaning


Russian Idioms with body parts

If you have already learned some Russian, you probably know that Russian idioms can be very confusing. Some Russian teachers try to avoid them, but these phrases are often used by native speakers, so it is useful to learn. Today we are going to look at the most popular Russian idioms that involve body parts:

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