Russian Language Podcasts

Истории об эмиграции

Дорогие друзья! Мы решили записать для вас три интересные истории об эмиграции и адаптации в разных странах. Для этого мы использовали материалы из социальной сети “Яндекс Дзен”.


Весёлый Новый год

Dear Russian learners!

The tenth episode of our Besedka podcast is called “Весёлый Новый год” and it is based on several real funny stories, written by Russian native speakers. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Любит – не любит

Dear Russian learners!

The ninth episode of our Besedka podcast is called “Любит – не любит” and it is based on several real love stories, written by Russian native speakers. You can listen to them, answer the questions and check unknown words in the transcript. Good luck!


Первый день в школе

Dear Russian learners!

The eighth episode of our Besedka podcast is called “Первый день в школе” and it is based on several real stories abour the first day at school, written by Russian native speakers. You can listen to them, answer the questions and check unknown words in the transcript. Good luck!


Лето в деревне

Dear Russian learners!

The seventh episode of our Besedka podcast is called “Лето в деревне” and it is based on two short stories, written by Russian native speakers. You can listen to them, answer the questions and check unknown words in the transcript. Good luck!


Четыре истории о метро

Dear Russian learners!

The sixth episode of our Besedka podcast is called “Четыре истории о метро” and it is based on short stories, written by Moscow and Saint Petersburg residents. You can listen to them, answer the questions and check unknown words in the transcript. Good luck!


Ёжик – история о напрасной суете

Dear Russian learners!

The fifth episode of our Besedka podcast is called “Ёжик – история о напрасной суете” and it is based on a story, written by Grigory Gorin, a famous Russian writer. You can listen to them, answer the questions and check unknown words in the transcript. Good luck!


Никаких котов

Dear Russian learners!
The forth episode of our Besedka podcast is called “Никаких котов” and it is based on a real story about a small homeless kitten. You can listen to them, answer the questions and check unknown words in the transcript. Good luck!


Отпечатки пальцев

Dear Russian learners!
The third episode of our Besedka podcast is called “Отпечатки пальцев” and it is based on a real story that happened at the airport. You can listen to them, answer the questions and check unknown words in the transcript. Good luck!