Facts about Russian

How to Say 'Leap Year' in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

February 29 is a good day to talk about leap years. In Russian, a year with 366 days is referred to as "високосный год." The term comes from Latin ‘bis sextus’...

Talking about Phonetical Stress in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

As a student, you may find phonetic stress in the Russian language one of the most puzzling topics. Let's explore some vocabulary that will help you talk about stress and...

Correct Usage of the Titles 'Господин' and 'Госпожа'

Russian Tip of the Day

In Russian, the words "господин" and "госпожа" are used as formal titles to address individuals, similar to "Mr." and "Mrs." or "Ms." in English. Господин Иванов будет на встрече. =...

Capitalization Rules for 'Вы' in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

You may have noticed that in Russian the pronoun "вы" (you, plural or formal singular) is sometimes written with a capital letter and sometimes not, depending on the context and...