Russian nouns

Where can I find Russian irregular nouns list?

Question from Q&A

Hi Where can I find Russian irregular nouns list or table with all forms? ...

Russian Nouns Ending in the Soft Sign

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that Russian nouns that end in the soft sign (ь) can be both feminine and masculine? You have in check it up in the dictionary. For example,...

Russian Indeclinable Nouns

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that some Russian nouns are indeclinable? Proper and common nouns, borrowed from foreign languages, ending in -э/-е, -о, -и, -у/-ю, and stressed -а/-я (foreign names and surnames ending...

Russian Nouns Declined as Adjectives

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that there is a group of Russian nouns, that are declined as adjectives? They are called substantive nouns. They have the same endings as adjectives. Some examples of...

Declension of Russian Names

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that short masculine Russian names that end in а or я decline as Russian feminine nouns? The same happens, for example, to the nouns папа and дядя,...

Russian Animate Nouns

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the forms of Accusative masculine and plural and Accusative feminine plural of animate nouns are identical to Genitive case forms? In the Russian language, animacy is a...

Declension of The Russian Noun Путь

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the noun путь, being a masculine noun, has a mixed declension? It is declined as masculine and as a feminine noun at the same time. N. путь G, пути,...

Russian Nouns Ending in ЦИЯ and СИЯ

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the majority of English nouns of Latin origin,  ending in -tion (organisation, ovation, capitulation, etc.), end in ция in Russian? However, when a noun of Latin...

Russian Nouns with the Suffix ость

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian suffix ость is used with traits of character, types of human behavior and capacities or with abstract nouns in general? For example, Жадность: greed Трусость: cowardice Гениальность: brilliance Невесомость:...

Russian Nouns год, года and лет to Express Age

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that we use the noun год (year) with the number one and all the numbers that end in one, that we use года with the numbers from...

Russian Nouns that Are Always Plural

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that there are some Russian nouns (about 600) that are always plural? They normally belong to these 4 categories: Abstract nouns, meaning complex actions (выборы, elections), natural phenomena...

Russian masculine nouns ending in -ь

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that there are Russian masculine nouns ending in -ь? These are: 1) all months ending in  -ь январь, февраль, апрель, июнь, июль, сентябрь, октябрь, ноябрь, декабрь Сентябрь - мой любимый месяц! September...

Russian feminine nouns ending in -ь

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that there are Russian feminine nouns ending in -ь? These are: 1) All nouns ending in -ость: радость, возможность, etc. Это прекрасная возможность! This is an excellent possibility! 2) Nouns ending in -бь,...

Fleeting vowel in words ending with -ец and -ок

Russian Tip of the Day

It is good to know that masculine nouns that have -ок and -ец in the end lose the vowels о and е in all forms except That is why...

Mobile phone vocabulary in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

The words below are part of our everyday life. It is interesting that while some words are clearly borrowed from English, others are completely different from the English version and...

Masculine plural nouns ending with -а and -я

Russian Tip of the Day

As a general rule, masculine plural nouns end in -ы or -и, but there are exceptions. For example, some nouns get the endings -a or -я, which is typical for...

Plural nouns ending with -ья

Russian Tip of the Day

There is a limited group of masculine and neutral nouns whose plural form ends in -ья, regardless of the usual rules for forming plurals. Remember those words and don’t confuse...

‘Мой коллега’ or ‘моя коллега’?

Russian Tip of the Day

In fact, both forms are correct, because the word ‘коллега’ is a sort of a hermaphrodite. That means that the word can be masculine or feminine, depending on the gender...

Russian common gender nouns

Russian Tip of the Day

As we mentioned in the previous post, common gender nouns are masculine if they refer to males, or feminine if they refer to females. They are always animate nouns that...

Words that start with ПОЛ-: Meaning and Spelling

Russian Tip of the Day

You may have already noticed that in Russian, the collocation "половина чего-то"(half of something) can transform into an independent word. See for yourself. половина часа = полчаса (half an hour) ...