Instrumental case in Russian

Instrumental and Genitive in "Она была озабочена отъездом матери"

Question from Q&A

Hello everyone ; '' она была озабочена отъездом матери '' why ''отъездом'' here is in the instrumental form whereas ''матери'' in the genitive? Sometimes I come across two...

Instrumental case in "Your father, the son of the Emperor"

Question from Q&A

Hi everyone, I was wondering why when translating the following sentence, "son" is written in instrumental. I know that "Emperor" is written in genitive because it expression the relationship, but I...

Russian Prepositions with the Instumental case

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian prepositions of place под and за can be used both with the Accusative and the Instrumental case, depending on their meaning? If they mean...

Instrumental Case in the Passive Voice

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that we use the Instrumental case in the Passive voice in the meaning of "smth is done by smb". Москва была основана Юрием Долгоруким. Moscow was founded by Yuri...

Instrumental Сase with Means of Transport

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know you could use both Prepositional case with the preposition на (на поезде) and the Instrumental case (поездом) to speak about public transport? The Instrumental case sounds more...

Russian Instrumental Case

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that when we use the Instrumental case in the meaning of instrument or tool, we do not use a preposition (in these cases, the prepositions "with" or...

Russian Reflexive Verbs with the Instrumental Case

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that there are many reflexive verbs that are used with the Instrumental case (not all of them)? Three important verbs, used with the Instrumental case, are интересоваться...

Russian Instrumental Case with the Verb становиться-стать

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian verb становиться-стать (to become) is always used with the Instrumental case? Both verbs in this pair are exceptions in the Present and Future tenses. Становиться Я...

The Verb болеть

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the verb болеть-заболеть and the short adjective болен (больна, больно, больны) are always used with the Instrumental case? For example, Я болею гриппом. I have a flu (I am...

Russian Verbs with the Meaning "Manage" and "Lead"

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the majority of Russian verbs that mean "manage" or "lead" are used with the Instrumental case? The verbs руководить (lead), заведовать (supervise), править (govern), управлять (lead,...

Use of Instrumental and Genitive Cases to Congratulate and Wish Something in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know why we use the Instrumental case when we wish a Happy New Year? It is because the verb "congratulate" (поздравлять-поздравить) is always used with the preposition с and...

Surname, Иванов, used in the Instrumental case

Question from Q&A

Hi! Today I've read an article in Russian, and there was a surname, Иванов, used in the Instrumental case, it was "ИвановЫМ". I thought it had to be "Ивановом"....

Declension of surnames in Russian (part I)

Russian Tip of the Day

You may have noticed that different surnames in Russian are declined in different ways. Я много раз читала романы Фёдора Достоевского и стихи Александра Пушкина. Let's see what the ending depends on.  ...