How to say it in Russian

Билет в..., билет на...., or билет до?

Question from Q&A

When asking for a train or plane ticket should you say билет в..., билет на...., or билет до?...

The meaning of где-то

Question from Q&A

Why russian people when the talk about height, they use где-то? For example, Какой у тебя рост ? У меня 170 где-то. What does где то mean?...

Russian Expression "Кто тебя напугал?"

Question from Q&A

In the short story «Без Паники!» which appears in New Penguin Parallel Text Short Stories in Russian the author writes “кто тебя напугал?” which the translator renders as “what...

How to translate "Я желаю тебе счастья, здоровья и долгих лет жизни"?

Question from Q&A

How to translate the Russian phrase "Я желаю тебе счастья, здоровья и долгих лет жизни"?...

The verb "говорить"

Question from Q&A

I had believed that Говорить corresponds to “speak/hablar” and сказать to “tell/decir” but after looking at Russian verb books and playing around w Google Translate (admittedly an imperfect source) I...

Restaurant menu in Russian

Question from Q&A

I'm supposed to be creating a menu in the Russian Language, for an Italian Restaurant. It's almost complete, except for this one item which I can't seem to put together. Google...

Russian verb "to teach"

Question from Q&A

My dictionary translates “she taught me Russian” as Она учила меня русскому языку. So if you teach someone something do you put the subject taught in the dative case, and...

The Russian noun человек

Question from Q&A

Am I correct in thinking that a чеповек can be a мучина or a женщина or a ребён|ок, ка ? If someone said "я вишу...

Russian abbreviation ЭВМ

Question from Q&A

Is the abbreviation ЭВМ still used for computers or is it now an old fashioned term?...

How to say "clmb up" and "climb down" in Russian?

Question from Q&A

Will you please tell me how to say the following sentences in Russian? Get down! (ask someone to descend from a high place) I climb up a ladder. I climb down a ladder. I'm...

"I will win" in Russian

Question from Q&A

Wiktionary leaves the first person single future tense blank. How should I say "I will win" In the Russian cartoon "Masha and the Bear" I heard Masha used the word "побежу"...

Can "я люблю тебя" be used among friends?

Question from Q&A

Hi. I'm wondering about the phrase "Я люблю тебя" (I love you). Is that suitable for indicating that one cares about a friend -- in a genuine but casual sort of...

How to translate into Russian "tomorrow when he's working, I'll tell him"

Question from Q&A

How to translate the following sentences: tomorrow when he's working, I'll tell him tomorrow when he's working, I'll have told him tomorrow when he's working, I'll be practicing singing tomorrow when he's working, I'll...

Спасибо дорогой said to a female

Question from Q&A

Is it normal for a female to say “спасибо дорогой” to a male friend? Because in english it seems a bit weird to use dear to a friend of the opposite...

Translation of "работница Англии"

Question from Q&A

Google translates this as "Angle Worker" but I have also seen a translation as "The Female worker of England" Here is a link to the image Thanks. ...

Translation of "Irkoe" and "Manjoeka"

Question from Q&A

I'm translating a Dutch non-fiction book set in Lithuania around 1940, and two names of Russian girls are mentioned. Dutch has a different transliteration system from English, so the spellings...

Russian Translation of "Life Everywhere is Life"

Question from Q&A

I would like to know the translation of the phrase “Life everywhere is life” in Russian. I was reading Dostoeveky’s letters but they are in English and that particular phrase...

The Translation of "Speaking Spanish"

Question from Q&A

I'm writing Russian subtitles for an English movie. In one scene, a character starts speaking Spanish. If I were writing English subtitles I would display [speaking Spanish] while the character...

How to say "to download" in Russian

Question from Q&A

Hi, Is there a difference between скачать and загрузить meaning 'to download' and how do you 'upload' files etc in Russian? Many thanks...

"Shall have been" in Russian

Question from Q&A

How to formulate verbal expression such as "I shall have been ..." e.g. "Next week I shall have been working at the firm for 30 years" "Next year we shall have been...