Gender in Russian

Russian Nouns of Common Gender

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that some Russian nouns can be both masculine and feminine? They end in а or я and are declined as if they were feminine, but the adjectives, pronouns,...

Russian masculine nouns ending in -ь

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that there are Russian masculine nouns ending in -ь? These are: 1) all months ending in  -ь январь, февраль, апрель, июнь, июль, сентябрь, октябрь, ноябрь, декабрь Сентябрь - мой любимый месяц! September...

Russian feminine nouns ending in -ь

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that there are Russian feminine nouns ending in -ь? These are: 1) All nouns ending in -ость: радость, возможность, etc. Это прекрасная возможность! This is an excellent possibility! 2) Nouns ending in -бь,...

Gender of words borrowed from other languages

Russian Tip of the Day

Do you know how do know the gender of loanwords in Russian? As any other language, Russian has borrowed a lot of words from other languages. Usually, these words do...

‘Мой коллега’ or ‘моя коллега’?

Russian Tip of the Day

In fact, both forms are correct, because the word ‘коллега’ is a sort of a hermaphrodite. That means that the word can be masculine or feminine, depending on the gender...

Russian common gender nouns

Russian Tip of the Day

As we mentioned in the previous post, common gender nouns are masculine if they refer to males, or feminine if they refer to females. They are always animate nouns that...