Russian prefixes

Russian Verb Prefixes

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that a prefix can change completely the meaning of a verb? Some verbs have many prefixes. Let us take the verb "думать": Придумывать-придумать: Invent, make up. Задумывать-задумать: Plan. Передумывать-передумать: Change...

Spelling of the Prefix "без-бес"

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian prefix без (бес) is used with the consonant з before vowels and voiced consonants (б, в, г, д, ж, з, л, м, н, р), and...

Meanings of the Prefix пере

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that some Russian prefixes have many meanings? For example, the prefix пере has 3 main meanings: Too much: переварить (overcook), пережарить (overfry). Again: перечитать (read again), пересмотреть (watch...

Russian Verb Prefix при

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian prefix при has two main meanings? Addition, closeness Прибавлять-прибавить: to add Пристёгивать-пристегнуть: to fasten Приделывать-приделать: to attach 2. Doing something not till the end, for a short time Приостанавливать-приостановить:...

Meanings of the Russian Prefix раз

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian prefix раз has 5 main meanings? asunder, apart. Разрывать-разорвать: to tear dis-, di-, un-. Расходиться-разойтись: to go apart, to disagree enlarged action. Разрабатывать-разработать: to develop,...

Russian Verbs of Motion with the Prefix про

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the prefix про, used with Russian verbs of motion can have 2 main meanings? The first one is "to go through" and the second one is...

Russian Prefix пред

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian prefix пред means "an action which precedes another action"? For example, Предсказать: to predict Предвидеть: to foresee Предугадать: to foretell Предупреждать-предупредить: to warn    ...

Russian Prefix про

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian prefix про can also mean an erroneous action? For example, Я проехал свою остановку. I missed my stop. Я прослушал объяснение преподавателя. I missed the teacher's explanation....

Meanings of the Prefix под with Verbs

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian prefix под has many different meanings used with verbs? In an upward direction:  Ты подбросила мяч: You threw up a ball. Adding something:  Катя подлила...

Meanings of the Russian Prefix от

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian prefix от- can have many different meanings? The first meaning is the meaning of separation (отбежать , to run off or отпилить, to saw off),...

Meanings of the Russian Prefix до

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian prefix до has several meanings: "up to", "until", "addition", "till the end"? For example, Дайте мне добавку. Please, give me additional helping. Это было в довоенные времена. ...

Difference between the verbs ‘помнить’, ‘вспомнить’ and ‘запомнить’

Russian Tip of the Day

In Russian, the verbs ‘помнить’, ‘вспомнить’, and ‘запомнить’ are related to the concept of remembering or recalling, but they are used in different contexts and convey distinct meanings. Here's a...