Russian verb conjugation

Conjugation of the Verb кричать

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that many foreign students make a mistake when they conjugate the verb кричать (to shout)? Кричаю is INCORRECT, this verb is an exception. The correct conjugation of is is: Я...

Russian Verbs without 1st Person Singular

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that some Russian verbs do not have the form of the 1st person singular (я, "I do" or "I am doing something") because they just do not...

The Verbs "пить" and "петь"

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the verbs пить (drink) and петь (sing) are sometimes mixed up by foreign students, espcially the 1st person singular? They are both irregular. Пить: пью, пьёшь, пьёт, пьём,...

Russian Verbs есть and ехать

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian verbs есть (to eat) and ехать (to go by transport) are sometimes mixed up by Russian learners because of their conjugation? It is very important...

Russian Verb бриться

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian verb бриться-побриться (to shave) has a "strange" conjugation in the present tense? Бриться Я бреюсь Ты бреешься Он, она бреется Мы бреемся Вы бреетесь Они бреются For example, Он бреется каждый день. He...

Conjugation of the Verb печь

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the verb печь-испечь (to bake) is irregular? Here is its conjugation: Печь Я пеку Ты печёшь Он печёт Мы печём Вы печёте Они пекут Она хорошо печёт пироги. She bakes cakes well. Они пекут хлеб...