Questions in Russian

The meaning of какова

Question from Q&A

What does какова means and how to use it and what is the difference between it and какого?...

Russian Indirect Questions with the Particle "ли"

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian particle ли, used to form indirect questions, always goes in the second place in a sentence? The word that goes in the first place after...

Russian Polite Form of Asking Questions

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that we sometimes use the negative form of a verb to ask polite questions? For example, we use it when we ask for directions, so it is...

Russian Polite Questions with the Particle ли

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that, to make a general question more formal and polite, you can use the particle ли? For example, Знаете ли вы, что конференция состоится уже на следующей неделе? Do you...

Simple Russian Questions

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that you can construct a lot of different questions in Russian using only a question word and a word это (it/this)? No verb needed. For example, Кто это? Who...

Difference between куда and где

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that in Russian we have two question words that define location? These are где and куда. They are used in the same way but have a slightly...

What is the difference between сколько and как долго?

Russian Tip of the Day

Do you know what is the difference between the question words сколько and как долго? The first one literally means "how much" and can be used in context related to time...

Russian questions with откуда

Russian Tip of the Day

Do you know that there is a special question word that means "from where" - откуда? To answer this question, Genitive case should be used, usually with the prepositions из...

The Difference Between the Russian Questions 'Почему?' and 'Зачем?'

Russian Tip of the Day

In Russian, the questions "почему" and "зачем" both translate to "why" in English but serve different purposes. After the analysis below, you will stop confusing them. Почему? "Почему" asks for the...