Russian spelling

The letter ё in the Russian language

Question from Q&A

I'm getting the impression that in most written Russian text they don't distinguish between е and ё . The don't write ё, always e. For example, in...

Russian Spelling Rule, И after К,Г,Х,Ш,Щ,Ч, Ж

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that we always write the letter и and not ы after the letters ш, щ, ч and ж and after к, г, х in the endings. For example, МалышИ: Babies ЩИт: Shield ЖИвотное: Animal МечИ:...

Russian Spelling Rules, Е and O after Ц

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that, if the ending of a noun is stressed, we use the vowel о after ц in the Instrumenal case. However, we use the vowel е if...

Russian Nouns Ending in ЦИЯ and СИЯ

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the majority of English nouns of Latin origin,  ending in -tion (organisation, ovation, capitulation, etc.), end in ция in Russian? However, when a noun of Latin...

Russian Silent Consonants

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that in the Russian language there are consonants that can be silent in some letter combinations? Here is a small list: вств (здравствуй, чувствовать, явственный, девственный), silent в. здн (праздновать, праздник, поздний,...

The Difference between то же and тоже

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that spelling is extremely important in the Russian language? For example, тоже means "also, too" and то же means "the same". Я тоже хочу купить платье. I also...

7-letter rule (г, к, х, ж, ш, ч, щ)

Russian Tip of the Day

The 7-letter rule is an important spelling rule in Russian that has no exceptions.The rule applies to these letters no matter where they are in the word - whether they...

5-letter rule (ж, ш, ч, щ, ц)

Russian Tip of the Day

The 5-letter spelling rule applies only to the endings of Russian nouns, adjectives, participles and pronouns. After the letters ж, ш, ч, щ, ц, write o if the ending is stressed...

Words that start with ПОЛ-: Meaning and Spelling

Russian Tip of the Day

You may have already noticed that in Russian, the collocation "половина чего-то"(half of something) can transform into an independent word. See for yourself. половина часа = полчаса (half an hour) ...