Russian Dative case

Нам всем придётся вы́йти в суббо́ту на рабо́ту...

Question from Q&A

I am puzzled by the sentence Нам всем придётся вы́йти в суббо́ту на рабо́ту. Why is придётся in the singular when Нам всем(to us) is plural? искренне Ваш Roy...

Dative Case with Physical or Emotional States

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that we use the Dative case when we express emotions and physical states with adverbs? Мне хорошо. I am feeling well. Ему жарко. He is hot. Студентам грустно. Students are sad.  ...

Russian Days of the Week

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that we use the Accusative case with the days of the week ("On Monday, on Tuesday", etc) and the Dative case when we mean regular actions ("On...

Dative Case with Means of Communication

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that we use the preposition по with the Dative case with means of communication, по радио, по телевизору, по телефону, по почте, etc. For example, По телевизору шёл концерт....

Russian Dative Case with Prepositions

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that, apart from the prepositions к and по, the Dative case is also used with the preposition благодаря (thanks to)? For example, Я смог выполнить эту работу только благодаря тебе. I could...

Russian Dative Case to Express Age

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that we always use the Dative case to express age? For example, 1. Сколько тебе лет? How old are you? Мне двадцать лет. I am twenty. 2. Сколько Вам лет? How old...

Meanings of the Russian Preposition по

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the preposition по is one of the most used Russian prepositions, used with the Dative case, and that it can have several meanings? Along, over, on,...

Dative Case with the Noun памятник

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the noun памятник is always used with the Dative case in the sense of "a monument to somebody"? Some students use the Genitive case with this...

Russian Days of the Week with the Preposition по

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that days of the week are used with the preposition по+Dative case in the meaning of regularity? For example, По понедельникам, по вторникам, по средам, по четвергам, по пятницам,...

Dative case in Russian

Blog post

In most of the Russian courses, the Russian Dative case is the one you learn in the first weeks when you start talking about age (- Сколько тебе лет? –...

Useful expression ‘всё равно’

Russian Tip of the Day

‘Всё равно’ carries a sense of indifference or nonchalance. It is often used to convey a disregard for a particular outcome or situation. Literally translating to ‘everything is equal’, it...