Russian verbs of motion

Unidirectional and multidirectional verbs

Question from Q&A

Hi! From what I read I figured out that unidirectional verbs are imperfective verbs and that multidirectional verbs are perfective verbs. But I'm not sure. Is that so? Thank you....

Why do we say "Автобус ходит по этому маршруту" and not "ездит"?

Question from Q&A

Why do we say "Автобус ходит по этому маршруту" and not "ездит"?...

Difference between пойти and прийти

Question from Q&A

What is the difference between пойти and прийти?...

Prefix "с" in Verbs of Motion

Question from Q&A

The following prefixes make sense to me... вы means out в means in от means away при means to come or arrive What does the prefix "с" mean with verbs of motion? I've read...

Difference between войти and зайти?

Question from Q&A

What is the difference between войти and зайти? ...

Verbs of Motion: Beginner Level

Blog post

Dear Russian learners! As you probably already know, the verbs of motion is one of the most important and, at the same time, most difficult Russian grammar topics. Let's revise...

Verbs of Motion with Prefixes: Intermediate Level

Blog post

Dear visitors! If you have succesfully passed our first test on the verbs of motion, here is the second one for those who has already learned the prefixes and wants...

Russian Verbs of Motion возить and водить

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that one of the difficulties of the verbs возить (carry something by vehicle) and водить (lead somebody) is that thay coincide in the first person? All the other...

Russian Verbs of Motion with the Prefix по-

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that if you add the prefix по- to the verbs of motion of the same group (идти-ходить, for example), they would mean two completely different things? По-...

Russian Verbs of Motion ползти-ползать, лезть-лазать, брести-бродить and тащить-таскать

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that there are some verbs of motion that are less known? They work exactly the same as the "well-known" ones, they are both imperfective and one of...

Russian Verbs of Motion without Prefixes

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that all the verbs of motion without prefixes are always imperfective? The difference between them is that the first one indicates a unidirectional movement, and the second...

Russian Verb of Motion сходить

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the verb of motion сходить is widely used in colloquial speech? It is a perfective verb that means "to go somewhere and then return". It is conjugated...

Russian Verbs of Motion with the Prefix про

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the prefix про, used with Russian verbs of motion can have 2 main meanings? The first one is "to go through" and the second one is...

Russian Verbs пошёл, пошла and пошли

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian verbs пошёл, пошла and пошли can be used as actions in the present tense and also in imperative mood? For example, Мама, мы пошли! Mum, we...

Russian Verbs of Motion with the Prefix с-

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that Russian verbs of motion with the prefix с- denote a single quick completed action to and from somewhere, somewhere and back? For example, Мне нужно сходить в магазин....

Figurative Meaning of the Verb вести

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that many Russian verbs of motion have figurative meaning? For example, the verb вести can mean "to behave", "to lead to", "to be in war", "to correspond",...

Russian Verbs of Motion and Public Transport

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that sometimes we use the verb идти-ходить and not ехать-ездить when we speak about public transport? It happens when we mean its route and sсhedule. For example, Автобус ходит...

Understanding Russian Placement Verbs: 'ставить,' 'класть,' and 'вешать'

Russian Tip of the Day

While in English we can always use the universal verb "to put," in Russian there are several verbs, each with specific meanings and uses. Let's find out what these verbs...