Russian pronouns

У тебя есть c cобой деньги? - Why can't we use “с тобой” instead of "с собой"?

Question from Q&A

Hi, in the question: У тебя есть c cобой деньги? why can't we use “с тобой” instead of "с собой"? Could you please explain to me? Thank you....

Nominative and Accusative Case of the Pronoun оно

Question from Q&A

I am used to thinking that neuter substantives in ALL IndoEuropean languages have identical forms in the nominative and accusatve. How does it happen that the accusative of оно...

Difference between "куда-то" and "куда-нибудь"

Question from Q&A

Hi, I’d like to know what’s the difference between Куда-то vs куда-нибудь ? Could it be ok to ask : Вы едете Куда-то на новогодние праздник? Thanks, Silvia ...

Personal and Possessive Pronouns: Beginner Level

Blog post

Dear Russian learners! Today you are going to revise Russian personal and possessive pronouns in different cases. Good luck! [mtouchquiz 15] ...

Pronouns оба and обе

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the pronouns оба and  обе mean "both"? We use оба when there are two men or a man and a woman or two objects of masculine gender....

Russian Possessive Pronouns

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian position pronouns eё (her), его (his, its) and их cannot be declined. You don't have to add an н to them before prepositions. For example, ...

Difference between всякий, каждый and любой

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that we have 3 words with similar meanings in the Russian language, всякий, каждый and любой? Всякий means "all sorts of", каждый means "every, each" and любой...

Russian Pronoun кое

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian pronoun кое is used when one knows what he (she) is talking about, but does not want to mention it for some reason (it...

Difference between несколько and некоторые

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that the Russian words несколько and некоторые are used in different situations? Несколько means "some" as a small quantity, некоторые means "several" (not a quantity, but a description)...

Russian pronouns with a preposition "обо"

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that with Russian pronouns in Prepositional case that start with мн- and вс- we use the preposition обо, not о? For example, Вы говорите обо мне? Are you talking...

Position of pronouns in Russian

Question from Q&A

In English an object pronoun always follows a verb, and in Spanish it always precedes the verb. It seems like there is no rule for that in Russian. For...

How to choose between ты and вы

Russian Tip of the Day

Do you know that you can address a single person using two different pronouns ты and вы? Вы is a formal way, ты - informal. Here are few tips how...

Russian pronoun сам

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that Russian pronoun сам can be used in different contexts? when you want to emphasize that the subject is performing an action without any help: Он сам написал...

How to express inability to do something

Russian Tip of the Day

Do you know that there are special constructions in Russian that describe inablity to perform an action due to some cause? To do so you should use a negative pronoun...

Capitalization Rules for 'Вы' in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

You may have noticed that in Russian the pronoun "вы" (you, plural or formal singular) is sometimes written with a capital letter and sometimes not, depending on the context and...