Useful Colloquial Expression: ‘Как раз’

October 22, 2023 | Tags: Advanced Russian Russian expressions

The expression ‘как раз‘ is impossible to understand translating each word separately. The closest translation into English would be ‘just,’ ‘precisely’ or ‘exactly,’ but you need to remember that this phrase is incredibly versatile and fits various contexts in everyday conversations.

Imagine you’re thinking about a person, and the next moment he or she calls you by the phone. You could say, “Я как раз думал о тебе!” meaning “I was just thinking of you!” Or perhaps someone finds the perfect words to express your thoughts, then you’d tell:

  • Это как раз то, что я хотел сказать. = It’s exactly what I wanted to say.

‘Как раз’ is also used when something fits perfectly or is just the right size. For example, if a dress fits perfectly, you can say:

  • Это платье мне как раз, а другое слишком маленькое. = This dress is just right for me, but the other one is too small.

In essence, ‘как раз‘ embodies precision and appropriateness, making it a valuable phrase in the Russian language. It helps speakers express their thoughts accurately and succinctly. So, next time something aligns perfectly with your expectations, remember to use this useful expression: ‘как раз.’

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