A Short Adjective “Доволен” (Satisfied)

December 11, 2023 | Tags: Russian adjectives Short adjectives

How do you express “I’m satisfied with sth” or “I’m happy with sth” in Russian? Utilize the appropriate form of the short adjective “доволен” with words in the Instrumental case! Let’s delve into some examples:

  • Папа доволен своей зарплатой после повышения. = Dad is pleased with his salary after the promotion.
  • Мама довольна ремонтом в квартире. = Mom is content with the apartment renovation.
  • Мои родители очень довольны своим отпуском. = My parents are very satisfied with their vacation.

As you’ve noticed, we use the form “доволен” with masculine subjects, “довольна” with feminine subjects, and “довольны” with plurals.

If you wish to express the same sentiment in the past or future tense, incorporate the verb “быть.”

  • Президент был недоволен итогами года. = The President was dissatisfied with the results of the year.
  • Клиенты будут довольны, когда увидят результат. = Clients will be pleased when they see the results.

To conclude, here’s another useful expression: “to be happy with oneself” – “доволен собой.”

  • Капитан доволен игрой команды, но недоволен собой. = The captain is pleased with the team’s performance but is dissatisfied with himself.

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