A Useful Russian Word ‘Сутки’

Did you know that in the Russian language there is a word which unites day and night and means 24 hours? This word is “сутки“. Unlike the English term “day,” which can refer to either the 24-hour period or just the daylight hours, “сутки” specifically refers to a full 24-hour cycle, encompassing both day and night. It is very practical, isn’t it?

Notice that this word exists only in the plural form. Additionally, “сутки” is counted only with collective numerals in Russian (двое, трое, четверо…).

  • Я уже сутки не была дома. = I haven’t been home for a day now.
  • Поезд из Петербурга в Сочи идёт двое суток. = The train from St. Petersburg to Sochi takes two days.
  • Он работает на заводе сутки через трое. = He works at the factory for 24 hours and then rests for 3 days.
  • Мы уже четверо суток не знаем, где он. = We haven’t known where he is for four days now.

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