Appropriate usage of the adjective ‘крайний’

August 9, 2023 | Tags: Advanced Russian Russian adjectives

In a previous post, we discussed the superstitions associated with the adjective ‘последний’ and inappropriate usage of the adjective ‘крайний’. Let’s figure out when the use of the adjective ‘крайний’ is actually relevant.

Remember that ‘крайний’ is commonly used to describe something that is extreme or furthest in a certain context.

  1. When describing the most extreme point or end of something physical, like a location or an object: крайний север (= the far north), крайний левый ряд (= the leftmost row).
  2. When describing the most extreme situation or circumstances: “в крайнем случае” (= at the very least), “при крайней необходимости” (= when absolutely necessary).
  3. When describing the extreme level of something: крайняя степень удивления (= an extreme degree of surprise), крайняя степень изоляции (= an extreme degree of isolation).

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