Difference between Verbs ‘Уметь’ and ‘Знать’

The verbs ‘уметь‘ and ‘знать‘ serve distinct purposes but often cause confusion for learners. While both verbs involve some form of knowledge or ability, their nuances set them apart.

‘Уметь’ primarily denotes skill or proficiency in performing a specific action. It signifies the capability to do something, reflecting practical and applied knowledge. For example, if one says, “Я умею готовить” (I can cook), it implies hands-on ability to prepare meals. This verb emphasizes the practical know-how acquired through experience or training.

On the other hand, ‘знать’ is more aligned with knowing or being familiar with information. It is a versatile verb used to express knowledge about facts, people, places, or concepts. For instance, “Я знаю этот город” (I know this city) signifies a general awareness or acquaintance with the city, without necessarily implying the ability to perform specific actions within it.

In summary, ‘уметь‘ is tied to practical skills and the ability to do something, while ‘знать‘ pertains to knowledge, familiarity, or awareness of information. Below, you will find some examples. Remember that we use the verb ‘уметь‘ with infinitive verbal forms and the verb ‘знать‘ with nouns in the Accusative case.

Examples with ‘уметь’:

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  • ‘Уметь танцевать’ (to know how to dance)
  • ‘Уметь плавать’ (to know how to swim)
  • ‘Уметь водить машину’ (to know how to drive a car)

Examples with ‘знать’:

  • ‘Знать рецепт’ (to know a recipe)
  • ‘Знать правила’ (to know rules)
  • ‘Знать пароль’ (to know a password)

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