Difference between ‘Я хочу’ and ‘Я хотел бы’

The phrases “Я хочу” and “Я хотел бы” both relate to expressing desires in the Russian language, but they differ in terms of their level of politeness and time reference. Here’s a brief explanation:

      1.”Я хочу” is a straightforward expression of a current or immediate desire. It is used to convey a strong and direct wish for something in the present moment. For example:

  • Я хочу пойти в кино. (=I want to go to the cinema.)
  • Я хочу спать. (=I want to sleep.)

      2.”Я хотел бы” is a more polite and formal way of expressing a desire. It is used to convey a hypothetical or polite request, often referring to future situations. This phrase is considered more courteous and respectful. For example:

  • Я хотел бы посетить Москву в будущем. (=I would like to visit Moscow in the future.)
  • Я хотел бы заказать столик на двоих. (=I would like to book a table for two.)

In summary, use “Я хочу” to express a direct and immediate desire when talking to familiar people, and use “Я хотел бы” with strangers or in more formal situations to make a request or express a hypothetical wish.

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