Figurative meanings of the verbs ‘ставить – поставить’

August 26, 2023 | Tags: Russian expressions Russian verbs

The Russian verbs ‘ставить‘ and ‘поставить‘ carry not only literal meanings related to placing objects in specific positions, but also convey a range of figurative meanings that add depth to the language. Here are some examples that highlight these figurative meanings:

  • Figurative: To Set an Alarm Clock
    Я поставил будильник на 7 утра, чтобы не опоздать на работу.
    (I set the alarm clock for 7 AM so I wouldn’t be late for work.)

  • Figurative: To Put Someone in Their Place
    Она умеет ставить на место всех, кто её критикует.
    (She knows how to put in place everyone who criticizes her.)

  • Figurative: To Put on Charge
    Я поставил телефон на зарядку, так как у него почти сел аккумулятор.
    (I put the phone on charge as its battery was almost empty.)

  • Figurative: To Set a Goal
    Он поставил перед собой цель стать профессиональным пианистом.
    (He set the goal for himself to become a professional pianist.)

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  • Figurative: To Put an End
    Мы поставили точку в нашем споре и решили больше не ссориться.
    (We put an end to our argument and decided not to quarrel anymore.)

  • Figurative: To Bet
    Он поставил на то, что его любимая команда выиграет матч.
    (He bet that his favorite team would win the match.)




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