Filler words in Russian

January 25, 2024 | Tags: Advanced Russian Facts about Russian

Even when speaking your native language, uncomfortable pauses sometimes occur. When we speak foreign languages, we often need a little more time to find the right word or formulate a thought better. With the help of so-called filler words you can gain a couple of seconds and avoid awkward silence.

Filler words (or crutch words) do not add meaning to the sentence, but they give you some time to think and make your speech sound more natural. Let’s look at the most common filler words and phrases among Russian native speakers.

  • Ну = Well
    Example: “Ну, сегодня я точно не смогу прийти” (Well, I definitely won’t be able to come today).
  • Так = So / Well / Okay
    Example: “Так, что ты хотел сказать?” (So, what did you want to say?).
  • Итак = Okay / So
    Example: “Итак, давайте начинать” (So let’s get started).
  • Короче = Anyway
    Example: “Короче, мне нужно что-то тебе сказать” (Anyway, I need to tell you something).

Do not overuse such words: if used too often, they can irritate the interlocutor. Also remember that filler words are typical for colloquial speech, so use them wisely.

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