How to express condolences in Russian

When offering condolences, it’s essential to use appropriate language and phrases. Here are some commonly used expressions in Russian:

  • Соболезную
    A verb “соболезновать” (to condole) has the same root as the word “боль” (=pain), it expresses an idea that you share the pain of the loss.
  • Мои соболезнования
    This is a straightforward and widely used phrase that translates to “My condolences.”
  • Сожалею о вашей утрате
    This means “I’m sorry for your loss” and is a kind way to show your understanding of the person’s grief.
  • Пусть земля будет пухом
    This expression is similar to saying “May the earth be soft,” which is an idiom used to express the wish that the departed rests in peace.

Remember, when offering condolences, it’s important to be sincere and empathetic. These phrases will help you convey your support and sympathy to someone who has experienced a loss.




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