How to Express Sympathy in Russian

Imagine your Russian-speaking friend telling you that they failed an exam or, for instance, are going through a tough time. What should your reaction be? Here are some Russian expressions to convey sympathy.

  • Сочувствую
    The verb ‘сочувствовать’ translates into English as ‘to sympathize,’ but it can be more literally interpreted as ‘co-feeling.’ When you say ‘Сочувствую,’ you are expressing that you feel what another person feels.
  • Очень жаль / Мне очень жаль
    In the context of sympathizing, “Жаль,” “Мне жаль,” “Мне очень жаль” can be translated as “I’m sorry.”
  • Держись (ты) / Держитесь (вы)
    This imperative literally means “hold on” (and can be used in this sense, for example, in transport). However, very often we say ‘Держись’ to morally support a person and express the hope that their problems will not last forever and that they just need to wait out this period.

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