How to praise good food in Russian

The first thing that comes to mind when we want to compliment the chef is ‘Спасибо, было очень вкусно!‘ This phrase can be translated into English as ‘Thank you, everything was delicious!’

There is nothing wrong with it, but if you want to demonstrate a good level of language proficiency and impress a cook, use one of the following expressions. Attention, these expressions are colloquial and can only be used in an informal setting!

  • ‘Это прекрасный пирог, просто пальчики оближешь!’ = This is a delicious cake, real jam! ‘Пальчики оближешь!’ literally means ‘You will lick your fingers!’
  • Вкуснятина!’ = Yummy!
  • Ням-ням!’ = Yum-Yum!
  • ‘Так вкусно, что я чуть язык не проглотил!’ is literally ‘It’s so delicious that I almost swallowed my tongue!’ That means that the food was extraordinarily good.

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