How to Read Reductions in Russian (Part 1)

October 29, 2023 | Tags: Facts about Russian Russian vocabulary

Undoubtedly, you have encountered reductions such as “т.е.”, “и т.д.”, “до н.э.” in Russian texts. Let’s delve into how to read these commonly used reductions and understand their meanings. Spoiler alert: these are not mere abbreviations; you can’t read them as individual letters.

  • и т.д. = и так далее
    Similar to “etc” in English, “и т.д.” translates to “and so on.” It helps us avoid lengthy lists.
    Родители первоклассников должны купить им школьную форму, учебники, тетради, ручки и т.д.
    (Parents of first-graders must buy them a school uniform, textbooks, notebooks, pens, etc.)
  • т.е. = то есть
    Meaning “that is” and “in other words,” similar to the English reduction “i.e.” It clarifies statements.
    Я начала рисовать в 2020 году, т.е. рисую уже три года.
    (I started drawing in 2020, i.e., I’ve been drawing for three years now.)
  • и др. = и другие
    Translating to “and others,” it indicates additional items or people not specifically mentioned. Note that the case of the word “другие” can vary, depending on context.
    На выставке вы сможете увидеть картины К.С. Малевича, В.В. Кандинского, М.З. Шагала и др. (и других)
    (At the exhibition, you can see paintings by K.S. Malevich, V.V. Kandinsky, M.Z. Chagall, and others.)

Stay tuned for more reductions in the next post!

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