‘Кушать’ or ‘Есть’?

February 17, 2024 | Tags: Facts about Russian Russian verbs

Food undeniably plays an important role in our lives, and it’s no surprise that language is rich with verbs expressing the act of eating. The verb ‘есть‘ is the go-to, basic, and universal choice, free of any particular emotional tone. However, in chats with native speakers, you’re likely to encounter the more colloquial verbs ‘кушать‘ and ‘покушать.’ Let’s break down what makes these verbs unique.

Firstly, it’s important to note that ‘кушать‘ and ‘покушать‘ are best kept for casual conversations and might come off as too informal in more formal settings. They sound natural in discussions with children:

  • Ты уже покушал? = Have you already eaten?
  • Сейчас мы придём домой и будем кушать. = Now we will come home and eat.

Yet, when used by adults, especially males, these verbs can sound a bit too sweet and childlike. In these cases, ‘есть’ is the safer bet, ensuring you won’t unintentionally displease anyone.

Interestingly, ‘кушать’ finds its place in the etiquette formula for inviting someone to the table: “Кушать подано.” In this particular context, using ‘кушать’ is entirely justified.

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