Russian interjection “увы”

November 25, 2023 | Tags: Russian vocabulary

The Russian interjection “увы” is an expression that conveys a sense of regret, disappointment, or resignation. While it doesn’t have a direct equivalent in English, it is often translated as “alas” or “alack.” We use it to express sorrow or acknowledge an unfortunate reality. It adds a touch of melancholy to the statement.

“Увы” is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. Here are a few examples to illustrate its usage:

  • Lost Opportunity:
    Мы опоздали на поезд, увы. We missed the train, alas.
  • Unfulfilled Expectations:
    Я ждал ответа, но, увы, не получил его. I was waiting for a reply, I didn’t receive one, alas.
  • Acknowledging a Sad Truth:
    Увы, она не вернётся. She won’t come back, alas.
  • Expressing Disappointment:
    Он не смог выполнить обещание, увы. He couldn’t keep his promise, alas.

Keep in mind that you can use “увы” at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence. When writing, always set off this interjection with commas.

Also, in certain contexts, ‘увы’ can stand alone as a sentence.
Ты не сдал экзамен, да? You didn’t pass the exam, right?
Увы. Alas.

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