‘Симпатизировать’ и ‘To Sympathize’: False Friends in Translation

February 12, 2024 | Tags: Russian vocabulary

When you encounter the verb ‘симпатизировать’ for the first time, you might be tempted to translate it as ‘to sympathize’. Be careful! These two words might sound similar, but they have different meanings. ‘Симпатизировать’ in Russian means to have a positive disposition or a favorable attitude towards someone or something. It denotes a general sense of warmth, affection, or approval. Notice that it does not imply a feeling of pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune (which is the definition of ‘to sympathize’). On the other hand, ‘to sympathize’ should be translated into Russian as ‘сочувствовать’. It involves a deeper emotional connection, often associated with understanding and sharing the feelings of someone going through a difficult situation. Let’s see the examples below to understand the difference.

  • Он очень обаятельный, многие симпатизируют ему. = He is very charming; many people like him.
  • С ним случилась трагедия, многие сочувствуют ему. = A tragedy happened to him, and many sympathize with him.
  • Я симпатизирую этому человеку. = I like this person.
  • Я сочувствую твоей утрате. = I sympathize with your loss.

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