Supporting Your Team in Russian: The Verb ‘Болеть’

June 21, 2024 | Tags: Russian verbs Russian vocabulary

When we talk about sports competitions, we certainly mention our favorite athletes and teams. Did you know that in Russian, we use the verb “болеть” for that? Its primary meanings are “to be ill” or “to hurt.” Nevertheless, “болеть” with the preposition “за,” followed by the name of a team or a person being supported, translates to “to support” or “to root for.”

For example, “Я болею за эту команду” means “I support this team” or “I root for this team.” Notice that nouns, pronouns, and adjectives after the preposition “за” take the accusative case.

  • За какую команду на Чемпионате Европы по футболу вы болеете? = Which team are you supporting at the Euro Cup?
  • За кого вы будете болеть на Олимпийских играх? = Who will you root for at the Olympics?

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