The Difference Between the Russian Questions ‘Почему?’ and ‘Зачем?’

In Russian, the questions “почему” and “зачем” both translate to “why” in English but serve different purposes. After the analysis below, you will stop confusing them.

  • Почему?
    “Почему” asks for the reason behind an action or event, seeking to understand the cause. When answering the question “Почему?” we normally use “потому что” (because).
    Почему ты опоздал? = Why were you late?
    Потому что проспал. = Because I overslept.
  • Зачем?
    “Зачем” asks for the purpose or goal of an action, seeking to understand the intended outcome. When answering “Зачем?” Russians often use “чтобы” (in order to).
    Зачем ты пошел в магазин? = Why did you go to the store?
    Чтобы купить продукты. = To buy groceries.

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