Understanding Russian Placement Verbs: ‘ставить,’ ‘класть,’ and ‘вешать’

July 11, 2024 | Tags: Russian verbs Russian verbs of motion

While in English we can always use the universal verb “to put,” in Russian there are several verbs, each with specific meanings and uses. Let’s find out what these verbs are and how they differ from each other.

  • Ставить – Поставить
    These verbs are used when placing something in an upright position such as placing a book on a shelf. The perfective form “поставить” indicates the completion of this action.
    Официант ставит тарелки на стол. = The waiter places the plates on the table.
    Мама поставила чемодан в спальню. =  Mom put the suitcase in the bedroom.
  • Класть – Положить
    These verbs are employed when placing something in a lying position like a piece of paper on a desk. “Класть” is the imperfective form, used for ongoing or repeated actions. “Положить” is the perfective form, signifying that the action has been completed.
    Я всегда кладу ключи на тумбочку в коридоре. = I always put my keys on the small drawer in the hallway.
    Мы положили деньги в сейф. = We put the money in the safe.
  • Вешать – Повесить
    These verbs are used when hanging something like a picture on the wall. “Вешать” is the imperfective form for actions that are in progress or habitual. “Повесить” is the perfective form, denoting that the hanging action is finished.
    В СССР люди часто вешали ковёр на стену. = In the USSR, people often hung a carpet on the wall.
    Отец повесил сертификат над столом. = Father hung the certificate above the table.


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