Russian vocabulary

How to Say 'Leap Year' in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

February 29 is a good day to talk about leap years. In Russian, a year with 366 days is referred to as "високосный год." The term comes from Latin ‘bis sextus’...

Russian Verbs "успевать" and "успеть"

Russian Tip of the Day

The imperfective verb "успевать" and perfective verb "успеть" both revolve around the concept of "to manage" or "to be in time". We use "успевать" to denote ongoing or repeated actions. For...

Space Vocabulary in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

April 12 is Cosmonautics Day in Russia. On this day in 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, aboard the Vostok-1 spacecraft, made the world's first orbital flight around the planet Earth....

Names of the Planets in Our Solar System in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

In Russian, the names of the planets in our solar system are as follows: Меркурий (Mercury) Венера (Venus) Земля (Earth) Марс (Mars) Юпитер (Jupiter) Сатурн (Saturn) Уран (Uranus) Нептун (Neptune) In...

When 'Natural' Should not Be Translated into 'Натуральный'

Russian Tip of the Day

We understand that it is very tempting to translate 'natural' into Russian as 'натуральный' and 'натурально,' but sometimes it can be wrong and may lead to misunderstanding. We do use the...