What is the difference between…

Difference between ‘наконец’ and ‘в конце концов’

Russian Tip of the Day

It’s a common mistake, even at high levels of language proficiency, to believe that ‘наконец’ and ‘в конце концов’ are synonymous and interchangeable. Let’s figure it out. We use ‘наконец’ or...

Difference between ‘на автобусе’ and ‘в автобусе’

Russian Tip of the Day

Depending on the context, we can use either the preposition 'В' or the preposition 'НА' with any means of transport. Once you learn the exact meaning of each, you stop...

Difference between ‘другой’ and ‘разный’

Russian Tip of the Day

It is easy to confuse ‘другой’ and ‘разный’, because both of them can be translated into English as ‘different’. Nevertheless, native speakers would never mix these adjectives up, because they...

Difference between ‘извините’ and ‘простите’

Russian Tip of the Day

Both expressions verbalize our regret about something that happened due to our fault, but there is a nuance in their meanings.  We say ‘извините’ (or ‘извини’ to close people) when the...

Difference between ‘Я хочу’ and ‘Я хотел бы’

Russian Tip of the Day

The phrases "Я хочу" and "Я хотел бы" both relate to expressing desires in the Russian language, but they differ in terms of their level of politeness and time reference....

Stop using 'последний' instead of 'прошлый'

Russian Tip of the Day

English native speakers often make a common mistake in Russian by inappropriately using the adjective 'последний' every time they need to translate the word 'last.' Let's explore situations where we...

Difference between ‘До свидания’, ‘Пока’, and ‘Прощай’

Russian Tip of the Day

The Russian phrases "до свидания," "пока," and "прощай" convey the idea of parting ways, but they are used in slightly different contexts and carry distinct emotional tones. "До свидания" is a...

‘Горячий’ or ‘жаркий’?

Russian Tip of the Day

In the Russian language, these two words are often confused with each other due to their similar meanings. While both words can be translated as "hot" in English, they are...

Mistakes, Freud and the Russian language

Russian Tip of the Day

Mistakes are a part of our lives. We make some of them unintentionally when we speak and write, often due to haste or tiredness. What are such mistakes called in...

Difference between the verbs ‘помнить’, ‘вспомнить’ and ‘запомнить’

Russian Tip of the Day

In Russian, the verbs ‘помнить’, ‘вспомнить’, and ‘запомнить’ are related to the concept of remembering or recalling, but they are used in different contexts and convey distinct meanings. Here's a...

Difference between Verbs 'Уметь' and 'Знать'

Russian Tip of the Day

The verbs 'уметь' and 'знать' serve distinct purposes but often cause confusion for learners. While both verbs involve some form of knowledge or ability, their nuances set them apart. 'Уметь' primarily...

Difference between "Дома" and "В доме"

Russian Tip of the Day

The expressions "дома" and "в доме" may seem synonymous, but they are not. See for yourself. Дома: This expression signifies the general idea of being at home or spending time at home....