The letter ё in the Russian language

Asked by George Jagels on June 26, 2019


I'm getting the impression that in most written Russian text they don't distinguish between е and ё . The don't write ё, always e. For example, in the first story a Penguin Dual Language Book, чёрныи = черныи, жёлтый = желтый, etc. This presents a problem when you are learning Russian and you try to pronounce the text in your head. In a in the story "The Lithuanian Hand" they translate "все плакал" as "He cried all the time". Am I correct that this should be pronounced as if it were written "всё плакал" ?
Thank you!


Hi George,

In fact, Russian native speakers almost never use ё in their written speech because they already know where to put in by the context. For example, in the sentence Он всё плакал (He cried all the time) the pronoun все (not всё) doesn't make any sense.

In Russian language textbooks for beginners ё has to used. In the books for intermediate and advanced students  it doesn't have to be used anymore because the students already know where to put it.

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