Russian conjunctions

Russian Conjunctions то ... то, то ли ... то ли ... and не то ... не то ...

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that there are 3 Russian conjunctions that are similar, but have different meanings? То ... то ...  indicates an alternation of things, states, and actions. То дождь, то снег....

Difference between что and который

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that sometimes we use что instead of который? It is common in poetry, songs and proverbs. Что  can be used with animated nouns, although it is not...

Translation and Use of поскольку

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that, apart from потому что (because) and так как (since), we have another important  conjuntion that expresses reason. It is поскольку (since, as long as). It is often...

До того как, в то время как, and после того как, vs до, во время, and после.

Russian Tip of the Day

Do you know how to use Russian conjunctions до того как, в то время как, and после того как? They mean “before something happened”, “in the meantime (as something is...

How to use Russian conjunction "И"

Question from Q&A

Может я и нравлюсь многим, но вот мне сложно понравиться not Может я нравлюсь многим, но вот мне сложно понравиться and there is a lot like these examples...