Russian imperfective and perfective mood with the words можно, нужно, нельзя

Asked by Omar on May 25, 2018


After the adverbs like надо, нужно, нельзя .... И т.д
Do we use СВ verbs or НСВ verbs
For example we say
Мне нужно делать ....
Или Мне нужно сделать .....
And after должен
Do we use СВ verbs or НСВ verbs
For example we say
Я должен делать .....
Или Я должен сделать ......


Hello! Yes, you can use both imperfective and perfective aspect with these expressions, depending on the meaning.

For example:
Можно делать домашнее задание? Shall I do the homework? (Can I start doing homework, am I allowed?)
Можно сделать домашнее задание? Shall I do the homework? (Can I finish it?)

Ты должна покупать хлеб. You have to buy bread (regularly).

Ты должна купить хлеб. You have to buy bread (now).

Тебе нужно побриться. You have to shave. (today).

Тебе нужно бриться. You have to shave (every day).

Нельзя works in a different way. Нельзя with imperfective aspect is used when something is prohibited, and with the perfective mood when something is not possible physically.

Нельзя открывать дверь. It is prohibited to open the door.

Нельзя открыть дверь. It is impossible physically to open the door.




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