Advanced Russian

Russian Media Test: Advanced Level

Blog post

Dear advanced level students! We have prepared a special test for you! It is based on the language of Russian media. All the examples were taken from real authentic articles...

The Verb жить with Prefixes: Advanced Level

Blog post

Dear students! We have prepared a new test on the Russian verb жить with prefixes. It is a very important verb, widely used in everyday speech. Please, do not hesitate...

The Verb работать with Prefixes: Advanced Level

Blog post

Dear students! We have created a new test on the Russian verb работать with prefixes. As well as the verb жить with prefixes, it is widely used in everyday speech....

Russian Verb писать with Prefixes: Advanced Level

Blog post

Dear Russian learners! Have you ever studied Russian prefixed verbs? Today we have created a new fascinating grammar test on the Russian verb писать with prefixes. Good luck! ...

Russian Linking Words

Blog post

Dear Russian students! Our new test is based on real examples and it is about Russian linking words. It is mainly designed for intermediate and advanced learners. Good luck! [mtouchquiz...

Figurative meanings of the verbs ‘садиться’ and ‘сесть’

Russian Tip of the Day

The verbs ‘садиться’ and ‘сесть’ do not always mean ‘sit down’, they also have idiomatic meanings. Read the following examples and try to guess from the context what ‘садиться’ and...

Russian superlative adjectives

Russian Tip of the Day

There are several ways to form the superlative degree of an adjective in Russian language. First, students learn the complex form of the superlative degree. In this form, the adjective is...

How to praise good food in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

The first thing that comes to mind when we want to compliment the chef is 'Спасибо, было очень вкусно!' This phrase can be translated into English as 'Thank you, everything...

Difference between ‘Я хочу’ and ‘Я хотел бы’

Russian Tip of the Day

The phrases "Я хочу" and "Я хотел бы" both relate to expressing desires in the Russian language, but they differ in terms of their level of politeness and time reference....

How to express condolences in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

When offering condolences, it's essential to use appropriate language and phrases. Here are some commonly used expressions in Russian: Соболезную A verb "соболезновать" (to condole) has the same root as the...

Appropriate usage of the adjective 'крайний'

Russian Tip of the Day

In a previous post, we discussed the superstitions associated with the adjective ‘последний’ and inappropriate usage of the adjective ‘крайний’. Let's figure out when the use of the adjective ‘крайний’...

Useful Russian expression ‘по крайней мере’ (=at least)

Russian Tip of the Day

Translating the short yet incredibly useful English idiom 'at least' into Russian might not be as straightforward as it seems. In Russian, we use the phrase 'по крайней мере', which...

Useful expression ‘На всякий случай’

Russian Tip of the Day

The Russian expression "на всякий случай" translates to "just in case" in English (though the literal translation would be “for whatever case”). It is widely used in both everyday conversations...

Mistakes, Freud and the Russian language

Russian Tip of the Day

Mistakes are a part of our lives. We make some of them unintentionally when we speak and write, often due to haste or tiredness. What are such mistakes called in...

Useful Colloquial Expression: ‘Как раз’

Russian Tip of the Day

The expression 'как раз' is impossible to understand translating each word separately. The closest translation into English would be 'just,' 'precisely' or 'exactly,' but you need to remember that this...

Useful Colloquial Expression: 'Не по себе'

Russian Tip of the Day

The feeling of anxiety, which can be challenging to express in words, is aptly captured by the Russian expression "Не по себе." We use it to convey a sense of...

Filler words in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

Even when speaking your native language, uncomfortable pauses sometimes occur. When we speak foreign languages, we often need a little more time to find the right word or formulate a...