Russian verbs

Russian Verb писать with Prefixes: Advanced Level

Blog post

Dear Russian learners! Have you ever studied Russian prefixed verbs? Today we have created a new fascinating grammar test on the Russian verb писать with prefixes. Good luck! ...

The verb "интересовать-заинтересовать"

Question from Q&A

In this sentence (read in my course book) "Чтобы этот центр заинтересовал детей, и больших и маленьких, а также взрослых людей, ...." which case follows the verb? I cannot work...

Russian Verbs with Cases

Question from Q&A

Could you help me please with a resource where I can find Russian verbs used with cases? For example, "влюбиться" I thought that we use this verb with the Instrumental case, "влюбиться...

Russian verb хотеться

Question from Q&A

In a story in a dual language book I ran into “воевать хотелось всем” which was translated as “everybody wanted to fight”. This short sentence raised 3 perplexing questions...

How to express presence in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

Do you know how to express presence in Russian? To do so, we use the verb есть (to be). It is an irregular verb that takes form был (была, было,...

How to express fear in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that there are several ways to talk about fear in Russian? To do so, you can use verbs like бояться, опасаться, пугаться, and беспокоиться. For example: Я боюсь опоздать...

Russian verbs of cold weather

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that in Russian there are many different verbs related to weather? When we talk about cold, we normally use холодать, похолодать, подморозить, подмерзать. For example: Ох, как похолодало! Oh,...

How to talk about snow in Russian

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know that there are several ways to talk about snow in Russian? We use different verbs with the word снег (snow). For example: Смотри, снег идёт! Look, it's snowing! Вчера выпал...

Russian verbs говорить, сказать, and рассказывать

Russian Tip of the Day

Did you know what is the difference between Russian verbs говорить, сказать, and рассказывать? They can be translated as speak, say and tell, respectfully. For example: Она начала говорить неожиданно. She started...

The most popular Russian verbs

Russian Tip of the Day

Do you know which Russian verbs are the most popular? These are быть (to be), мочь (to be able to), сказать (to say), говорить (to talk), хотеть (to want). You can...

Russian verbs related to the Internet (part 1)

Russian Tip of the Day

Below you will find some verbs which we use to describe activities online. скачивать – скачать (+Acc.) = to download Я скачиваю файл из облака. = I am downloading a file...

Russian verbs related to the Internet (part 2)

Russian Tip of the Day

Here are some more verbs from our everyday online routine. Some of them strongly resemble english verbs, you can even try to guess its meaning. Notice that the verbs are...

The verbs ‘отвечать – ответить’ and prepositions

Russian Tip of the Day

The verbs ‘отвечать’ and ‘ответить’ are among the first to be learned by every student. Nevertheless it’s good to remember that their meaning may differ depending on the following preposition.  Отвечать...

Figurative meanings of the verbs ‘садиться’ and ‘сесть’

Russian Tip of the Day

The verbs ‘садиться’ and ‘сесть’ do not always mean ‘sit down’, they also have idiomatic meanings. Read the following examples and try to guess from the context what ‘садиться’ and...

Diverse meanings of ‘давай’

Russian Tip of the Day

It is interesting that an imperative form of the verb ‘давать’ in everyday conversations is used mostly not in its literal meaning – to give.  For example, sports fans chant ‘Давай!’...

Figurative meanings of the verbs ‘ставить - поставить’

Russian Tip of the Day

The Russian verbs 'ставить' and 'поставить' carry not only literal meanings related to placing objects in specific positions, but also convey a range of figurative meanings that add depth to...

Difference between the verbs ‘помнить’, ‘вспомнить’ and ‘запомнить’

Russian Tip of the Day

In Russian, the verbs ‘помнить’, ‘вспомнить’, and ‘запомнить’ are related to the concept of remembering or recalling, but they are used in different contexts and convey distinct meanings. Here's a...

The Russian Verb "бывать" and Its Usage

Russian Tip of the Day

It is important not to confuse two Russian verbs: "быть" and "бывать." The primary difference lies in their meanings and applications. While "быть" is the equivalent of the English verb...

Difference between Verbs 'Уметь' and 'Знать'

Russian Tip of the Day

The verbs 'уметь' and 'знать' serve distinct purposes but often cause confusion for learners. While both verbs involve some form of knowledge or ability, their nuances set them apart. 'Уметь' primarily...

‘Кушать’ or ‘Есть’?

Russian Tip of the Day

Food undeniably plays an important role in our lives, and it's no surprise that language is rich with verbs expressing the act of eating. The verb 'есть' is the go-to,...